Call for mobility grants for Early-career researchers to Czech Republic (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) through AgriSciences Platform

1. Name and University

  • Name of the applicant and affiliated university.

2. Key words

  • Indicate maximum six key words which are separated by semicolon (;). Key word might be
  • composed of more words. Do not use abbreviations as key words.

3. Summary of the main research focus

  • The summary should reflect the nature of the research done by participant and show its
  • relevance towards visit of Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

4. Subject area

  • Indicate the subject area which is relevant for your research activities.
Waste of warConsequences of lost access to water sources (Black Sea)
Deforestation as a consequence of warPolluted soils – what effects it will bring?
Disturbance of ecosystems Biodiversity losses
Air and water pollution Migration and its effects on agrarian sector

5. Proposed time schedule of the mobility

  • Define proposed time schedule of the mobility. Minimum length of the mobility is 5 days (+2
    days for travel.
  • The possible dates are from 1.12.2023 till 20.12.2023.
  • Each applicant will receive 23,000 CZK (in a form of lump sum / approximately 35,000 UAH)
    in order to cover all expenses connected with the mobility (including travel costs, per diem,
    accommodation etc.).

6. Attached to this proposal must be:

a. Motivational letter
b. Academic CV

Send filled document to till 25.11.2023.


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